AshenDB’s documentation!#

AshenDB is an asynchronous Python library to use json as a database in your workspace with similar functionality to MongoDB.


  • Located in user’s workspace

  • MongoDB like syntax

  • Asynchronous


To use AshenDB, first Intall it using pip:

$ pip install -U ashendb

Then, import it in your project.

from ashendb import AshenDB

This will automatically create .ashendb folder in your project directory.

Database Structure

                                             ╭── document1.json
                           ╭── collection1 ──┤
                           │                 ╰── document2.json
           ╭── database1 ──┤
           │               │                 ╭── document3.json
           │               ╰── collection2 ──┤
           │                                 ╰── document4.json
.ashendb ══╡
           │                                 ╭── document5.json
           │               ╭── collection3 ──┤
           │               │                 ╰── document6.json
           ╰── database2 ──┤
                           │                 ╭── document7.json
                           ╰── collection4 ──┤
                                             ╰── document8.json


Indices and tables#